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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  December 5, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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way in making the world a better place we so passionately dreamed of. i'm shepherd smith in new york. nelson mandela was 96 years old and will live forever in the world. >> our beloved nelson mandela, the founding president of our democratic nation has departed. he passed on peacefully in the company of his family around 2050 on the 5th of december, 2013. he is now resting.
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he's now at peace. >> this is a fox news alert. former south african president, a hero, nelson mandela who's died at his johannes burg. his life is a remarkable inspiration to millions around the world. he spent 27 years in jail vowing to fight oppression, never giving up, never knowing he would get out of jail. when he finally did he became president of the nation that had imprisoned him vowing to love those that hated him eventually sharing the nobel peace price for the man who once was his oppressor. president barack obama spoke about mandela shortly after the world received the munews. >> he achieved more than expected from any man. he's gone home.
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we have lost one of the most influential, courageous, profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this earth. he no longer belongs to us. he belongs to the ages. >> senior foreign affairs correspondent greg is now with a look back at his life. >> nelson plmandela was a symbo of struggle. he was the sign one brave man can make a difference. >> never again shall it be that this beautiful land will have oppression of one by another. >> the south africa youth was marked by the oppression of blacks by the government system. as a young black lawyer unusual in those days he favored peaceful protest. a clash in 1960 changed all that.
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dozens of unarmed protestors were killed by white police. >> many people who feel that it is useless for us to continue talking peace and non violence. >> mandela led a campaign of violent sabotage with the now banned african national congress. he was captured in 1962 and sentenced to life behind bars. >> robin island prison off of cape town was the scene of mandela's long isolated confinement, the place the government tried to break him. a place he'd rueturn years late as a free pan. during the years of imprisonment, the battle raged, sanctions and protests. mandela became the face of that cause. on february 11, 1990 after 27 years in prison the government relented and nelson mandela walked free. >> i stand here before you not
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as a profit but as a humble servant. >> expectations were high as the turbulent transition to democracy was made. in 1994 south africa went to the polls and nelson mandela became president. >> this is for all south afri n africans an unforgettable occasion. >> his chanting of the victory was a sign president mandela tried to bring whites and blacks together. after five years in office, mandela stepped down but continued work for the people through charities. he continued to be the man every world leader wanted to meet.
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as for his personal life he remarried at the age of 80, michelle t widow of the former president. in 2009 he voted for what would be the last time. even the new president could never match the long lasting charisma and popularity of nelson mandela. his spirit, sacrifice and legacy will live on. the last few years have been very difficult for nelson mandela as illness sapped the strength from his body. his spirit does live on. we saw it earlier this year as we stood outside the hospital and watched the waves of south africans came up to the gate and wished for their leader to feel better, wished for their leader to go to another place, happier place, with less pain and suffering. remembering this black south african president, global icon, symbol of antipar tide, symbol
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of freedom so close to them. we expect to see much more of that in south africa and around the world in the next couple of days bret. >> live in london, greg, thank you. fox news producer paul tilsley is in jo happehannesbuj. >> crowds started to gather long before his announcement that he had passed on. one man came along to play flowers outside the house. he told me had been phoned by a family member that worked sign side the house to say he had died. there was a deep quiet as other journalists started to arrive and set up equipment. now here bret, it's in the middle of the night. it's after midnight. i have managed to speak to a few people around mandela's house to ask them about their feelings.
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they're all without exception in deep shock. some are in tears. every one expected this. he's been ill a very long time. no one here wanted it to happen, bret. >> you know, eight years ago, paul, i've been told you were asked to be his personal videographer. >> that's correct. >> you have some antidotes. >> even in the beginning of the relationship it was quite amusi amusing. i interviewed him a few times. i was working for another client and had just come out of the coal mine. i didn't think there was cell signal. i was surprise when it rang. the guy said hello this is nelson mandela. i said something rude to him like get out of here. he said i get a lot of that. this is really nelson mandela.
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will you come help us with the children's fund to do our sl videograph videographer. i've been inside the house many times where he passed on. i was there for what is regarded as his last large major event just after the world cup ceremony in 2010. he was still very bright there. i reintroduced him to my son and said this is my son. he said i know exactly who it is, paul. please just carry on taking picture, have a great time. he was a very sharp man to the end. he will be greatly missed in south africa. >> paul, finally the logistics here. there will be of course memorial service, a funeral where the nation will mourn the death of a
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man they obviously are rallying around tonight. >> yeah. i think it's going to be a very difficult time for south afteri. it could take up to two weeks for the event to come to natural conclusion. they will first, if the schedule is followed be a lying in state by the union building, official seat of the country here in the area about 40 miles from here. the first day will be only for diplomats and foreign heads of state. then the next two days will be very challenging for the security authorities because everybody will want to say good-bye to nelson mandela. he'll have a public lying in state at least two days. he'll then be flown by military aircraft accompanied by members of his family to the place area where he was born and where he grew up as you know.
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he will then be afforded a state funeral and president barack obama will come to that funeral. there will be 2,000 to 3,000 people in that temporary dome. >> paul, thank you very much. let's bring in our panel early tonight. george will, kirstin power, charles krauthammer. >> in the second half of the 20th century, amazingly the moment called forth the man. the united states was martin luther king who had one great advantage that mandela did not have. martin luther king could connect aspirations to vocabulary of the natural rights philosophy of the declaration in which he could
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say our racial practices are discourted with our practices. mandela didn't have that fall back on making his achievement remarkable. what could have been algeria, a simmering war became a peaceful transition of circumstances. >> you heard remarks about mandela. he referenced him many times and says he's an inspiration to him. you wonder if there are leaders out there like mandela to be had. >> mandela is in the category of martin luther king, jr. those type of people don't come along very often. there's many remarkable things about him but in particular when you consider how he was treated as a captive and comes out. for 18 years of captivity he was allowed to see one person a year 30 minutes, send one letter and receive a letter every six months. most of us would have gone
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crazy. by the time we left we would have hated the people who kept us captive. he was this gentle peaceful man that led the reconciliation process where even the people that perpetrated human rights violations were given amnesty in return for coming clean. >> he's remarkable in three ways. the first as kirstin indicated. the courage that he showed as a captive. that makes him incredibly admiral. there are other prisoners of war and conscious from john mccain who similarly were heroic in captivity. what makes him unique is the two things he did when he rose and became a leader. the first is reconciliation. he preached no hatred of those who oppressed. the contrast one might want to look at is zimbabwe a country
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that shows where south africa could have gone. the black leaders came to power and made war on the whites and destroyed the country. mandela understood. he took the example of chile with the reconciliation commission where anybody that tells the truth about what happened ask given amnesty and nobody ended up in jail. the last thing he did utterly remarkable, after five years in office he steps down. that's george washington. that does not happen often in africa or anywhere. he never took the power to his head. he never was intoxicated by it. the example he set is extremely unusual and probably most lasted. >> more from the panel. reverend jesse jackson after the break. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare
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nelson mandela dead at 95. there looking at a statue of the south african embassy in washington d.c. earlier president barack obama made remarks from the white house. we're back here with george, kirstin and charles. we'll hear about this man's life the next day or so or longer. the impact he had really will last long beyond that. a lot of people look at the peace deal he struck on a par tide as a model. >> it's a model that was facilitated by something we're still experimenting with. sanctions as a way of changing the behave or of other nations short of force. the united states and around the
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world, sanctions and all that had a way that worked. it hasn't worked with other nations. it had democratic roots in the world that helped still at the remarkable achievement. come back to the miracle of the man that showed no bitterness. if he felt hit and never expressioned it is astonishing. >> what separates him from normal human beings is after he went through sympathy. the clerk, white leader who released him and negotiated the transition, spoke shortly after the announcement after mandela's death and spoke about how in the negotiations mandela would always be taking into account the interest of the white population. that was the only way in which you could have come to an agreement with the whites where
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they had a sense they would be protected and had a chance at a place in the new south africa. again i think it's the man. when you look at the rest of africa, the middle east, at other countries. the tribal wars that have erupted after independence, after liberation from the colonial oppressor are staggering. the numbers of deaths and blood that resulted is incalculatabli. it did not happen largely because of one man. same way in the united states. it was martin luther king who set the premise of civil rights and made the non violence the essential element, almost a religion. because of him we ended up in the happy place we are now with a peaceful transition and ultimately a black president. >> as you were speaking, f.w. clerk almost on queue put out a
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statement saying mandela's courage, charm, were an inspiration not only for south africans but the whole world. i believe his example will live on and we'll continue to inspire all to achieve his vision of non racialism, justice, human dignity and equality for all. we shall miss you. we know your spirit and example will be there to guide us to a better south africa. coming up, the obama care story isn't going anywhere. there's other news today. stay with us. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back,
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south korea sout so the news here in washington today. historians looking back on the launch of obama care may choose to add the words if you like your plan you can keep your plan period to the long list of political promises proven untrue along side read my lips, no new taxes. the phrase isn't going away and the story line isn't going away. young people are leaving in droves. >> the if you like your health care you can keep it quote, harry reid has revived the debate the president told the truth all along. >> there were thousands of people that found out that was not actually possible. >> but i still go back and say what i said earlier. what he said was true. >> okay. >> if you want to keep your insurance you have, you can keep it. >> reid staring at a difficult
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battle to keep control of the senate in 2014 could be trying to reframe a sore point with voters. he says many health plans have changed in the last few years. he says the president was telling the truth at the time of the promise. carney had no interest in reengaging. >> i think the president has spoken about this at length and repeatedly and taken action on this. i don't have anything to add to that. >> reid put the white house on defense over the position to exempt some of the staff from enrolling in the d.c. exchange because their current plans on capitol hill are more generous. >> isn't that hypocritical for somebody -- >> i direct you to senator reid's office. >> why shouldn't they sign up like everyone else? >> i haven't seen that. >> my health insurance premiums
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are going to double. my co pays and deductibles dr tripled. i'm thrilled to death as a you can tell. >> this time doing an interview with chris matthews with an audience of student at american university. >> he made promises during the campaign he hasn't been able to keep. >> we caught up with students at american university today including matthew, a freshman who says disappointment extends beyond health care. >> the disappointments of our generation. when i graduate i want a job in the marketplace. the way the president is enacting policy, i don't think that's become a reality. >> even one student who defended the president has bad news for the white house communications team. >> try to keep up with the news. i couldn't tell you what it does. >> that's a problem for the white house.
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they're trying to reach young, healthy people to get them to sign up for the law. they're trying to step up their pr effort to reach people and get them to sign up. >> ed henry live on the north lawn. thank you. >> the u.s. economy grew at the 3.6% annual rate in the third quarter, fastest since 2012. the current quarter could dip below 2%. stocks were down across the board today. dow lost 68. nasdaq was off 5. up next, reverend jesse jackson shares memories of nelson mandela. first across the country tonight. looking into pass word, security experts say hackers hit more than 2 million face book, google, twitter accounts and sent the information to a server in the netherlands. security thieves were
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stealing christmas decorations from a residence caught on cameras. there's a look at nyw. the lawsuit filed in the deadly train derailment. the engineer may have been suffering from hypnosis, many of us experience this driving long disst distance. that's a look outside the belt way. we'll be right back. ♪
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this is a worldwide outpouring of grief after we learned late this afternoon nelson mandela died peacefully after his jo happehome at 96 ye. he was the first black president of south africa. jesse jackson was in south africa the day plan della walked out of prison and became the first person to greet the just freed mandela. he joins us live on the phone from england. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. it's a time of great sadness. the release of his spirit takes us to unbelievable depths of
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sadness and pain. he leaves such a great legacy to go forward by hope and healing and not going backwards by hate, hurt and hostility. >> your memories of that day when he walked out of prison. >> i remember we had great anticipation. on the way down trying to get britain to make a break from, we had the conversation. u.s. made the decision. we got there and there were members of his family. he walked out of jail that sunday afternoon to see the cooks begin to beat pots and pans and the maids running down the hall to see the unleashing of such joy. the fact the whole world stood still. in the media age you could connect to his long suffering. i think tonight about him living
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such a rough and violent life. god blessed him to the very end. he's not an iconic figure in symbolism. he divided south africa. he chose what little process over militarism in the end. he sets the pace. the fact he chose to leave after two terms and not be a lifetime leader. he reserved personal time for his lifetime. that's his democracy. >> what do you think politicians today here could learn from nelson mandela? do you think there's something to translate today? >> well one there are those who
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engage in suppression to the believes of mandela, an open fair process you pick the pictupic -- you put the pictures on the ballot to see who you're voting for and then like he did, say we're free but not equal. there were gaps based upon race. too many have so much. it's free not equal, unfinished business. >> your thoughts as we wrap up antidotes of him as a man. >> i think of our last conversation.
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he said something revealing to me. he said the government was too harsh and they were not accepting. they were too mean and cruel. he was the military arm of south africa blowing up insulations, railroads and a like. they finally made a decision to blow up hospitals and hospitals to drive their point home. he said just before they did that, they were caught. he's glad they were caught. he would rather have spent 27 years in jail than have the blood on his hands of innocent people. to me that's nelson mandela. >> a lot of people have likened him to martin luther king. do you? >> they had a lot in common. both went to jail in 1963. both of them in the end used moral authority to free a country of old ancient, crude you habits. both had the great appreciation of each other.
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dr. king was a transformative leader, mandela was a transformative leader. both left the world with great authority, reconciliation to reaction. >> reverend jesse jackson, we appreciate your time recognizing and remembering a great man nelson mandela. >> thank you. the grapevine is next. we bring back the panel as well. stay with us. ♪ [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures.
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and now from the political grapevine. the leader of colorado state run health care website is asking for an end of the year bonus and raise despite the enrollment numbers well below projections. according to the denver post, patty requested a bonus and raise up to 10% of her $190,000 taxpayer funded salary. health officials say 10,000 signed up. they had projected between
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22,000 and 61,000 people. in other words, her state signed up fewer than half of the low ball expectations. one board member called the request inappropriate quote given the poor performance for first two months of enrollments, i think it's incredibly audacious to ask for a raise. >> we told you on tuesday that the president's uncle was granted permission to stay in the united states despite ignoring the deportation order. president barack obama is now admitting he lived with his kenyan born uncle in the 1980s which contradicts the earlier a su assumption from the white house that the two had never met.
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>> there was no evidence they had met. that was what was conveyed. nobody spoke to the president. when omar obama said the other day president barack obama back when he was a law school student stayed with him in cambridge. >> he went on. carney was adamant the white house did not interfere with the omar obama hearing in any way. electric car loaners be warned. one georgia parent plugged his car into a middle school outlet as he waited to pick his school up for tennis practice. he was arrested for taking without consent and spent 15 hours in jail. the claaccused claimed it cost about a nickel to charge the car. the ability to track
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officials that would have before been considered science fiction. >> the new nsa documents reported fbi washington post are controversial because they suggest the nsa is collecting location data from cell phones and other wireless devices when not being used. 5 billion records are collected data. it can be used to retrace your movements as well as identify relationships. >> we call it tip off information. these guilt by association, links become potential evidence of a terrorist plot by the fact you're identifying a net work. >> the collection is focused overseas. the records indicate location data is picked up incidentally not intentionally. the documents contrast with the recents hearing where the nsa director suggested the location data was not in use. >> do you believe the nsa needs
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to collect gps location on american citizens? >> this may be something that's a future requirement for the country but is not right now. >> in a statement the top lawyer for the nation's intelligence chief who oversees says nsa, there is no element of intelligence community that under any authority collects information. >> the bottom line here is that the nsa is engaged in a massive collection of information about people who have done nothing wrong. the only thing you can do to protect yourself from this is disconnect, turn your phone off and go live in a cave. >> they say this may have been carried out under an executive order. it would not be reviewed or have limited view by the national security court. >> thank you.
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libya officials say an american schoolteacher was you shot to death jogging in benghazi. he taught chemistry at the international school. no one has claimed responsibility. meanwhile a small private ceremony for five men that rirv risked their lives in the terror attack. some were overseas and others decided not to show up over how everything has been handled from the obama situation. a risky operation according authority, they'll test a system they haven't used at sea just weeks before the mission. the organization for prohibition of chemical weapons has not formally approved. the stock pile has been eliminated by mid 2014 as part of the agreement with syria, u.s. and russia. all three countries came to this in september. the daughters of five
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chinese political prisoners gave a heartbreaking testimony at the house foreign affairs subcommittee on human rights today. many directly asked for oval office meetings with president barack obama to discuss their release. one asked that vice president biden press the issue during his overseas trip. >> president barack obama 's closest allies who rnaren't running from him are making things tough. the latest on obama care right after this. vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare
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the president said if you like your insurance you can keep it. there's nobody in america that has the same insurance they had when he said this. we've had three different years. that policy was that year.
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>> that was damaging for the president to say you will be able to keep your coverage if you like it. thousands of people found out that was not actually possible. >> but i still go back and say what i said earlier. what >> okay. >> if you want to keep this insurance you have, can you can keep it the problem is, we did not put the bill into effect that way. there is a lot of administrative kicked in and three changes in anyone's policy since then. it's not the same policy. >> senate majority leader harry reid, a local tv interview talking obamacare. let's bring back our panel. syndicated columnist george will, kirsten powers columnist for the daily beast syndicated columnist and author of things that matter charles krauthammer. kirsten, i will start with you. how about the senate majority leader there? >> i don't know what he is talking about. i tried to follow his reasoning. >> he said he was right. what he said was true. >> i guess he is trying to
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say that your plans change from year to year but they don't really change from year to year. your premiums might go up a little. but they don't really change your plans. people's plans. i have talked about it before. my plan changed. it's an empirical fact that i had a plan and i liked it and i was happy with it. and i was told that i couldn't have it anymore because i have to have things to it that they said weren't in it. and pay more for something else that i didn't want. >> so, when you watched that is that an effort to -- is that a mistake or is that a coordinated effort to kind of muddy the waters and say, look over here, and this was not a big problem. >> yeah, i think they probably have just decided that there is nothing that they can really do. they are just going to lean into it. they can't argue that they don't have a positive argument to make, really. they are just going to keep insisting that things aren't quite as bad as people they they are and yeah, muddy the water, i guess. i can't believe harry reid
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actually believes what he just said. >> well, senator reid should not try to be clever. it's very unbecoming. what he was doing was saying the president didn't say what the president has in his way, apologized for saying. the problem is they are now going into full-court press of my millennials. they don't realize they are going to get old, sick and aches and pains. they need about 40% of those signing up to be under 35. they are either going to sign up because out of al truism they want to subsidize the elderly good luck with that. or sign up because they don't know anybody. the problem is the obamacare continue context of young people. graduating from college, a great many of them into a job market that is -- unsatisfactorying. they are graduating with federal student debt that they got because the obama administration, with a flood of subsidies, caused the colleges to raise tuitions to capture the subsidies. and now they are coming out
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with this debt and they are greeted by the obama congratulations, you have got a degree buy some insurance that you don't want at a price you can't afford. it's just not promising. charles? >> look, as for harry reid, i can't believe it's a coordinated campaign. it's too insane. i think it's harry reid wearing, trying on a tin hat. and i would just say, harry, give it up. you can argue all you want but the sunrises in the west. it's not going to work. and you you get this speaking against the: receive cancellations. they know they lost their insurance. there is no way to talk around it the other thing that the obama administration the white house is pushing is the success of the exchanges because they got 30,000 people supposedly enrolled. let's assume it's enrolled. they aren't enrolled. >> no ones that paid premiums? >> exactly. shopping and semienrolled.
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aspirationally enrolled let's put it that way. in two days. you do the math on that and continue that enrollment up until the deadline of the 23rd of december, you come out with a number, which means that of the a million people who have lost insurance, 6% will have it restored. all the rest will not have it. and that's without adding a single person who never had insurance in the first place. it is a disaster with the numbers that the white house is touting. >> another democrat, holding town halls in west virginia, senator joe manchin talking about what he he wants, a delay. >> transitional year and see if we with k. make these things work. if we best and we can't bit off more than we can chew. get back to what we can agree on. pretty common sense in west virginia how do you things. they sold the sizzle if you
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will. now we have to make sure that the meat and potatoes is cooked. if we can't get that product, we have got to make some adjustments. that's all i said. >> sold the sizzle. >> i'm chewing on this analogy. sizzle, meat and potatoes, we are cooking it it i think we finally achieved a simmer on this. i'm not exactly sure what he is saying but i think he is saying that democrats and republicans ought to agree on a delay. i don't think that's going to happen. i don'trepublicans want a bailed out a failed plan that's hurting people. >> slow boil? >> look. joe manchin is a little bit of an outlier in the democratic party. and i think he is playing to a different audience. there is not going to be a delay. and but he is smart just to ask for one for his constituency, for sure. >> i think he is chilling the sizzle if i heard that right. i think. >> can't be done. >> i think these folks have discovered the joys of softestry. the president said there is a red line in syria. then he went on the way to the g-20 and stopped in
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stockholm and said i never said red line. the world drew the red line. bringing us back to chico marks or who are you going to believe me or your eyes? a lot of people who have had this thing in front of you to read are believing your eyes. >> if i can get a panel where chico marks is quoted that's always a good panel. >> clerk on the same show. >> on the same show. on that thought, a final thought on nelson mandela. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ i know they say you can't go home again ♪ ♪ ♪ i just had to come back one last time ♪ ♪ ♪ you leave home, you move on [ squeals ] ♪ andou do the best you can ♪ i got lostin this o♪ ♪ and forgot who i am
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finally tonight, as president said he no longer belongs to us, belongs to the agents. one of the chorus of voices revolutionary apart tied leader nelson mandela who died this afternoon at the age of 95. fitting, the movie based on mandela's life has already smashed box office records in south africa: mandela long walk to freedom follows
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mandela's life from his childhood in the eastern cape during activism and decades in prison before being elected as south after infantry caps first black president in 1994. nelson mandela was 95. fellow republicans, our beloved, nelson mandela, the founding president of our democratic nation has departed. >> former south african president nelson mandela, a man like no other is dead at the age of 95. the reveered antiapartheid leader spent 27 years in prison. led his country to democracy and became south after infantry caps first black president. donald rumsfeld joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening. sir, why is it that president mandela could do something that nobody else could? what was it